Thursday, April 11, 2013

Door to door durian sellers @ Park Central


Was kind of forced to buy these 2 Maoshan durians from 2 Malaysian sellers who claimed to be delivering durians to a fellow neighbour at Park Central.

Really regretted opening the door. A woman's 6th sense is always very accurate I guess.

Was quoted $13/kg for these Maoshan durians which I also don't know if that is a reasonable price. They opened a total of 3 durians in fast succession before I sensed something is not right.

Immediately asked for the price and was quoted $100+. Almost fainted...

One guy was even saying buy 3 get 1 free. Told them I really had not much cash and could see the change in their facial expression. Requested for the price of 2 durians instead which was close to $60. :0

Told them I really don't have so much cash and managed to 'escape' by paying $40 for 4.5kg of Maoshan durians.

Luckily HE didn't scold me... These durians better be good and we have sworn not to open the doors to any strangers.

The amount of door-to-door salesmen at Park Central is really astonishing. Hopefully this post will act as an alert to fellow residents and not to be as naive as I was.

Update: Sad to say, the durians are really not worth the price! Had better ones at much cheaper prices.

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