Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wettest Chinese New Year?

It was raining non-stop from Sat till Mon. Even today, there were still showers on and off throughout the whole day. The umbrella is now officially my best friend!

Every year during Chinese New Year, the reunion dinner is the only portion of the activities that I look forward to. The steamboat with lots of wonderful ingredients that my parents will prepare, the company etc. I do not really look forward to visiting relatives. These are some of the really irritating questions that I have encountered over the years:

1) You seemed to have grown fatter over the year. (Sidenote to self: Thanks for pointing it out...)

2) Have boyfriend? Why never bring him along? (Sidenote to self: Bring along for what? For additional 'interrogation'?)

3) Where are you working now? (Sidenote to self: Why would I want to go into detail? I would rather not let you know too much details.)

Sometimes, you just know that these people asked such questions not out of general concern. Rather, they are trying to pry more details out of you to meet their own personal interest. My 1st line of defence is to surround myself with people I do not mind hanging around with and siam as soon as I can. Worse still, no more angbao collecting from this year onwards =<

Some of the Chinese New Year sayings that might coming in useful:

新年快乐 恭喜發財 吉祥如意 身体健康 万事如意


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