Not sleeping well for the past 1 week.
Kept worrying about the house whether can the defects be rectified by this week so that we can finally start painting.
Was really irritated at the supervisors.
Imagine taking leave to come down to the unit early for defect inspection but they take their own sweet time to turn up.
No sight of them at all from 1000 hrs to 1700 hrs despite numerous calls and smses.
They seemed to think that they are the only busy persons in the whole wide world and the rest of us are just shaking legs *Argh*
The workers who are actually the ones rectifying the defects are so much better in comparison.
So far we are super happy with the workmanship of the rectified defects.
The Chinese worker 'trimmed' numerous tiles for us just to get a perfect piece to replace our chipped tile.
Another Chinese worker who was repairing the chipped/dented/ wall was also very professional.
We thought he would only 'putty' the affected areas but we were wrong.
He even sandpapered the region after the putty had dried, resulting in super smooth surfaces.
Hopefully the rest of the defects will be rectified by Fri as promised by the Bangladeshi supervisor.
If not, he is definitely going to get it from me since he is the one who promised to finish in 3-4 days and we have given him close to a week.
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