Monday, June 10, 2013

DIY Mini Herb Garden - 2 weeks on...

Remember my previous blog post on setting up DIY Mini Herb Garden? I have blogged about the outcome on my hamster blog and thought I should repost the content here.
Toy capsule, filter bag, cotton wool
Sage, Wheat Grass & Lemon Balm
The seeds started to sprout within a few days and I have transplanted them to organic soil. The growing rate of wheat grass is super fast. Average growing height is around 1 cm per day. It has been 2 weeks since I first started and the hamsters are enjoying the end products.

Usually I will trim around 2 cm portion of wheat grass, soak it before 'presenting' to Fly or Nami. I would recommend hamster owners to give it a try. The whole experience is quite a breeze and quite fun to see Fly snatching the wheatgrass from my fingers and chomping down in great delight. Nami is not so fond of wheat grass though.
Wheat Grass

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